10月 27, 2013

Best Credit Card Offer (Chase Sapphire Preferred) TOP3 最好的信用卡










1. 此卡第一年免年費 之後每年$95  (如果你不喜歡這張卡 隨時都可以停掉)完全是你自己的選擇

2. 開卡後只要再三個月內花費$3000...銀行就會發給你40000點的點數相當於400現金或是500的旅遊金 (但是一定要透過CHASE來訂購旅館 機票) --另外透露個小撇步....如果你是直接去銀行分行找理專幫你辦這張信用卡...只要刷滿兩千就會給你4萬點啦...非常划算...小弟我之前就用這張卡付學費....一個學期就已經超過2000了  馬上就有40000點等著我了 (在美國生活 消費一定要用信用卡, 小弟我個人只要能刷卡一定刷卡 盡量少付現金 畢竟有現金回饋啊 雖然只有1-5% 但是積沙成塔的道理想必大家都還是知道的)

3.這張卡特適合常常出國玩旅遊的人 因為不需要交易手續費

4. 每年你累積的點數會有7%利息

5.  這張卡平常消費都有1-2%的回饋 詳情請至CHASE官網研究比較







Today I am going to introduce a great credit card that you all should consider to apply with great reward program. This is one of the top credit card deal. Here's some important note you should know.

1. There is no annual fee for first year, but $95 after (you can cancel your card anytime, and it's on your decision.

2. You will earn 40000 reward point (equal $400) if you can spend $3000 in the first three months. The rewards point will be credited automatically to your account. You can use it to exchange for cash or book travel on Chase (equal to $500 if used for travel deal).  Here's the tip, if you go to branch to open this card, you will only need to spend $2000 to receive 40000 point. I personally use this card to pay for my tuition, and I got the reward point so fast.  I would suggest everyone should always swap credit card instead of paying cash because of these cash back deal. Eve though it's also 1-5%...but you will be surprised when it accumulate to a larger amount.

3. This card is great for traveler because "no foreign transaction"

4. At the end of year, there will be 7% annual dividend toward the point you earned in the year

5. There is 1%-2% cash back on each purchase. Please visit chase.com to review detail

In conclusion, this is great credit card offer you should consider to apply because of great reward program.

Please make sure you check for more detail before you take your action. Good luck and have fun on shopping. Thank you for your reading and please let me know if you have any question.

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